Clinic Policies

Here at Neighborhood Vet Care we’re committed to keeping your furry friends healthy and happy. Check out our policies below, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Your pets are family, and we prioritize their well-being and safety. Feel free to familiarize yourself with our guidelines, and our team is here to assist you every step of the way!

Client Rights and Responsibilities


Please arrive with your cat in a travel carrier. Cats are much more comfortable when contained in a small hard or soft-sided cat carrier. Our waiting room has ample room to separate cats from dogs. Our goal is to escort cat owners into an exam room as soon as possible in order to avoid potentially stressful contact with dogs, other cats, or new people. Cat carriers with a top-loading door are the best as they allow us to retrieve your cat in the least-threatening way. Sometimes we will do a physical exam while your cat is still in his or her soft bed or in the bottom section of the cat carrier.

We want to do everything we can to reduce stress for you and your cat. If you need guidance on how to get your cat into a carrier, don’t hesitate to call us for advice. More helpful information for transporting your cat to the veterinarian has been published by the American Association of Feline Practitioners.


It is essential that your dog is on a leash when visiting our hospital. We are located on a busy road and our parking lot is active with car traffic. Inside our waiting room, your dog must remain on a leash until taken into the exam room. Even if your dog is a good listener and is great with other dogs, some other dogs are very frightened at the veterinarian and may act unpredictably.

Payment Policies

Payment is expected at the time of service. We accept cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and CareCredit.

Care Credit is a service that, if you are approved, will extend you a line of credit for medical expenses. Using CareCredit, your bill can be paid over six months interest-free. Various payment plans are available.We can help you fill out the application, which is typically approved within minutes. This method of extended credit provides you the opportunity pay for services over several months.

Pet insurance has become more prevalent and, while it doesn’t cover all your veterinary expenses, can be helpful should your pet have an unexpected injury or illness. Every company is different; it’s a good idea to visit this pet insurance review to compare policies and find the one best suited for you and your pet. We do not file directly with insurance companies but can provide you with the required records and invoices so you can file directly with your insurance provider.

Prescription Policy

Please give us as much notice as possible when refills are needed.

At Neighborhood Vet Care we understand that there may be times in which your pet’s medications may be obtained from alternative sources other than our hospital. We do not recommend purchasing your pet’s medications from unknown online pharmacies. Please talk with us first before purchasing your pet’s medications from another source.

If you are wanting prescriptions filled from an outside or an online pharmacy we are happy to provide you a written prescription that you will be able submit to the pharmacy of your choosing. Neighborhood Vet Care will not call in prescriptions or send prescriptions to outside pharmacies or online pharmacies directly.   We have our own online pharmacy that is priced competitively with most other online pharmacies.  We will be happy to directly send prescriptions into our online pharmacy for you.  Please be aware that you pet is required by law to be examined at least once in the past year to continue to refill medications.

Return Policy

Just like with a human pharmacy, in accordance with FDA regulation CPG Section 460.300 medications are not returnable, products that have left our facility cannot be returned. However, opened bags of dog and cat food may be returned or exchanged because they are guaranteed by the manufacturer.

Client Rights and Responsibilities

As a client, you have the right to…

  • Accurate, clear, and impartial information regarding your pet’s health
  • Receive full explanations about our decisions
  • To be treated with professionalism, compassion, honesty, and respect – free from discrimination.
  • Know that our priorities are for your pet, your needs, and public safety.
  • Be informed of your pet’s diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options, including the risks and benefits, based on our capabilities and resources in an understandable manner.
  • Be informed of the costs of service we provide in advance of them being performed
  • Participate in decisions regarding your pet’s care, including declining treatment options presented
  • Share your questions, concerns, thoughts, or wishes and have them heard by our team
  • Considerate, respectful, and compassionate care and communication from our team
  • A fair and objective review of any complaint or problem
  • Assurance that your personal and medical information is handled in a confidential and private manner
  • Receive respect for your time and communication regarding any anticipated delays related to your appointment or follow-ups

As a client, you are responsible to…

  • Disclose relevant, accurate, and complete medical and behavior history to our team, including previous medical records
  • Treat our clinic team and other clients with professionalism, compassion, honesty, and respect – free from discrimination.
  • Maintain a respectful and considerate demeanor when communicating with any member of our team
  • Share questions or concerns about anything we’ve discussed or left unaddressed
  • Honor your financial obligations and payment policies agreed to when your pet receives care
  • Help us provide care to other patients by abiding by our scheduling and appointment policies
  • Work collaboratively with your pet’s care team to develop and perform the agreed-upon treatment plan, including any necessary follow-up visits and at-home care
  • Provide feedback. We know this can be hard, but please bring any concerns to our practice leadership right away so that we can improve our clients’ and patients’ experiences. Reviews and referrals are greatly appreciated!
  • Be aware of the consequences for actions or behavior inconsistent with this client rights and responsibilities section, including potential termination of the veterinary-client-patient relationship

Client Code of Conduct

We will not accept the following behaviors:

  • Verbal abuse, malicious or harmful statements about others, profanity or disrespect
  • Any form of harassment
  • Discriminatory comments or actions
  • Intimidation tactics and/or making threats
  • Allowing your pet to intimidate or threaten a person or another pet
  • Public disclosure of another’s private information
  • Suspicion of being under the influence of alcohol or behavior-altering drugs
  • Failure to comply with requests of our staff, including leashing/restraining your pet

In the event that your behavior is problematic, we reserve the right to discontinue services immediately. This policy is strictly enforced and non-compliance will result in corrective measures being taken, which may include being asked to leave the property. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!